Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Orthopedics and Dance class.

Bentley had his follow up appointment yesterday. His foot is all healed. :) Of course its a growth plate fracture, so he has to go back in 3 months to check it out. The doctor doesn't have any worried about his walking as of now. He said if he isn't walking properly within the next month, then there is a concern. 
And of course, Bentley's appointment fell on a dance class day so it was a long day all around. But this week was considerably better than last. Last week we witnessed an accident on our way out the door to dance class. Thankfully it wasn't a bad accident. We live on a scary corner. There is a hill on one side that makes it impossible to see far enough. There was a tractor trailer turning right, towards that hill. Unfortunately a motorcycle came over the hill. The man on the motorcycle ditched his bike and skipped across the pavement. As a neighbor called 911, I ran out to check on the man on the motorcycle. He was unconscious, but breathing. I was able to provide him with a couple of blankets (it was raining on top of the fact that he had just been in an accident). When I left him (surrounded by many  neighbors and a nurse who happened on the scene), the man was conscious, talking, and able to move all his limbs. Thankfully one of my neighbors brought my kiddos up to her place while I was running after the blankets. But Emmalyn was quite shaken by the accident and Bentley was quite shaken by the fact that Mommy ran off to help leaving him behind. 
Emmalyn picked out her own outfit for the first week of class. However, she wasn't a fan of getting her picture taken. 

But dance class is going pretty well for Emmalyn. She has had 3 weeks and is already improving. She has a difficult time following along and that leads to her not paying attention. Some of the movements they are trying, she doesn't quite get how to do it. But we are working at home to help. And this week she paid attention as well as any of the other kids. Its a class of 3 to 5 year olds, so she is a bit on the younger side. She is also becoming a little more open with the other girls. She tends to just stand and stare at other kids instead of approaching them to join in. 
This week I brought along some toy animals to keep Bentley entertained while we waiting on Emmalyn. Several of the other girls were interested in playing with them before class started. Emmalyn easily handed over the two animals she was holding. Bentley was not a fan of sharing with strangers - esp his lion.

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